Request Form: Bachelor Seminars at the Chair of Corporate Finance (Prof. Daniel Hoang)

Please note that the teaching language of the chair’s Bachelor seminars is German (although this request form is in English).

General information

Academic Qualifications (Bachelor)

Please complete the relevant field(s) if applicable to you.

Seminar Preferences

In the summer term 2025, the Chair of Corporate Finance is offering two Bachelor seminars. It is not recommended that you attend the two seminars simultaneously. To secure a seminar spot in either of the two seminars, you have the option to mark your preferences.

Please indicate your interest accordingly. You may leave the second drop-down menu empty if you are only interested in attending one of the two seminars.

Research Seminar: "Sustainable Finance"

If you ranked this seminar as one of your preferences, you can choose up to three seminar topics of your preference (if not leave the menu empty). The assignment of seminar topics will be announced during the kick-off. Please keep in mind that not all individual preferences can be guaranteed.

Applied Empirical Research Seminar: "Executive Compensation"

If you ranked this seminar as one of your preferences, you can can choose up to two preferred seminar topics (if not leave the menu empty).
You can also apply as a group. You can name up to two fellow students you would prefer to work with in a group .

PDF Upload

To find an optimal match in the seminar assignment process, we request information about your academic and professional background. Therefore, please upload a single PDF file including:

    • Current CV
    • Current transcript of grades of your bachelor’s degree
    • Optional: Additional qualifications, e.g., internships, professional experience, study abroad, ...